... a trip half-way around the world ...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

And so the adventure begins...

As I lay here, of course unable to fall asleep, I've started thinking.  Mind you this thinking has come after all the lists have been made (and remade) in my head, the lights have been turned on and off roughly a hundred times to check on .. well really on nothing important, and the alarm has been set, reset and checked twenty-seven times.

So the meat of this message.. I'm not all that nervous.  I'm anxious, anticipating what is coming up next.  However my biggest concern is just the logistics of it all.  Getting to the airport, making my two connecting flights, and finally ending up in Darwin.  I'm not sure what to expect so I'm not sure how to feel nervous about it yet.  This is definitely the most challenging thing I've ever done simply because I don't know how to feel.

I feel like I should be nervous, or worried, or even scared.  Yet I just feel excited, adventurous, and slightly anxious.  I feel like I have been preparing for this experience for so long that I am ready.  Ready to travel, ready to try new things, ready to start a new chapter.

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